16 Dec 2020


10 SENARAI QUOTE HAPPINESS | Assalamualaikum 

        Quote happiness yang boleh dijadikan sumber inspirasi kepada semua. Liz suka sangat buku ni dan liz rasa banyak sangat improvement yang buat mind liz wake up. Jadi liz nak share beberapa quote favourite liz dalam blog ni agar boleh menjadi rujukan semua. Buku ini tajuknya ialah Happiness in Nutshell, by Andrew Matthews.

1. Usually, the best place to make new start is where you are! Before changing your address, consider changing your thinking! When you change, your situation changes.

2. You get motivated by doing things, not thinking about them.

3. Whatever thought are causing you pain, they are only thought. You can change a thought. 

4. Doing what you love is not a recipe for easier life. It is a recipe for an interesting life.

5. For the world to treat you well, you have to treat yourself well.

6. The happiest people don't worry too much about whether life is fair or not. They just get on with it. 

7. Your life only work when you take full responsibility for your choices. Your choices of vocation is at the top of the list. 

8. Your life is a perfect reflection of your beliefs. When you change your deepest beliefs about the world, you life changes accordingly.

9. Your mission in life is not change the world. Your mission is to change yourself. 

10. God is never going to come down from a cloud and say: "You now have permission to be successful". You have to give yourself permission.

        Ramai yang terkejut macam mana liz boleh buat keputusan mengejut dengan berhenti kerja sebagai HR di salah sebuah company yang dikenali. Banyak perkara yang terjadi dalam hidup ni apabila awak mulai rasa duit yang banyak tidak memberi kebahagiaan tetapi memberi rasa beban yang menebal. Itulah titik mulanya, permulaan dimana liz mencari titik kebahagian liz dengan melakukan banyak perkara yang boleh memberi manfaat kepada orang lain. Kerana, setiap manfaat yang kite berikan, merupakan 1 titik sinar memudahkan perjalanan kita di dunia dan di akhirat kelat. InsyAllah. Rezeki ada, sentiasa ada untuk mereka yang berusaha. Betulkan niat!

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